what does Debbie mcdonald feed her horse
Helping my horse in hot weather
How you can help your horse in the hot summer!
This summer is on track to be a hot one again, breaking records acros...
The importance of a high fat diet in the hot summer for horses
This summer is on track to be one of the hottest summers in years, breaking records across North America. Now, more ...
"Arrow - He rescued me as much as I rescued him"!
We love telling the story of our products through your stories. Through your horses. And every now and then we come ...
Meet My Horse - Jenny Wetterau and Hertog
We recently had an opportunity to sit down with Jenny Wetterau of Dressage Horse Source, a horse sale business she op...
Laura Gerst and Dakoda Mower of Windy Hill Equestrians
While visiting the Temecula Valley Horse Show we got a chance to chat with Laura Gerst and Dakota Mower of Windy Hill Equestrians at Freemont Hill Country Club in Los Altos, CA. Laura and Dakoda have been working together for the past 5 years and they specialize in Hunters, Jumpers and Equitation. They also run a thriving riding school program. While Laura takes care of the business as well as teaches the students, Dakoda is in charge of riding and showing the horses, from Hunters to Grand Prix jumpers.
Meet Thomas and Amber Harte, Brass Ring Farm NJ
Meet Thomas Harte and his wife Amber own and operate Brass Ring Farm, a Hunter hunter/jumper/equitation business. They split their time between Florida and New Jersey.
Meet My Horses: Elma Garcia
We met Elma Garcia in Ocala FL where she resides with her horses during the Winter.
Elma Garcia’s two great passion...
Meet My Horse - Dressage rider Mackenzie Hamblin and Chevalier
Chevalier, owned by Mahaffey International, came into Karen’s training program a few years ago. He had previously ha...
A natural solution for gastric issues in horses / Kasey Ament and Qasama Du Buisson Z
Stomach discomfort and pain is one of the leading concerns in the horse community. With highly sensitive digestive...