Diane Williams and Benny
Often the best way to find solutions to your horse problems is to talk to other fellow equestrians, which is why we love catching up with our customers and sharing their stories with you! We got a chance to have a chat with long time customer, Diane William from Pennsylvania, who was turned on to Gastropower by another one of our success stories.
Diane acquired Benny, an off the track thoroughbred, when he was 10 years old. For the first part of their journey together, Diane kept Benny at home. He came to her still looking like he had just come off the track, a bit too lean, with little topline, and a sunken behind. She knew Benny needed to develop both physically and mentally if they were going to have a successful relationship. With limited training space at her home property, Diane made the decision to move Benny to a professional Dressage barn where she had access to multiple riding environments, as well as opportunities to travel and compete.
Soon after the move she noticed that “he began to get quivery underneath me, and you could tell that he was just not right.” He seemed nervous and jittery, and the more they traveled with him, the worse he got. Physically he looked good, and he had a healthy appetite, so to her, he didn’t present as a horse with ulcers. However, her Vet suggested that they should treat him anyway to rule it out, and they put him on a typical prescribed Omeprazole ulcer treatment for two weeks. When Diane didn’t see a difference they extended the treatment for an additional two weeks.
Then Diane came across an Equsani success story about one of our customers on the East Coast who performed their own in house barn study with horses who had ulcers. All of the horses who were scoped with evidence of ulcers, were rescoped after a 6 weeks on Gastrowpower. And all horses were ulcer free after the trial! That was proof enough for Diane to buy her first box of Gastropower almost 2 years ago, and Benny has been on it ever since.
The change in Benny since Diane has added Gastropower to his diet has been significant. He is much more settled in and relaxed, especially when they travel, and his rideability has greatly improved. Her barn mates were happily surprised at the changes in Benny’s behavior since starting on the Gastropower, and even though he is turning 20 this year, he definitely doesn’t look or act his age. We couldn’t be more thrilled to know that Gastropower has been part of their success together!

Gastropower feeding tip: We find that mixing our product with your daily grain/feed with ample water is the best way to administer the supplement, as well as get a little extra fluid into your horse. For our horses, we make a kind of sloppy soup for them. They love eating it and making a mess at the same time! We are still trying to figure out how our young one gets it all over his eyes???