A horse with a healthy gut is a happy horse.
Stomach discomfort and pain is one of the leading concerns in the horse community. With highly sensitive digestive systems, it is imperative we assist our horses when it comes to maintaining proper acid levels in their stomach. Horse’s internalize stress just as we do, and more often than not, the result is excess production of stomach acid which will lead to fatigue, irritability, and ultimately painful ulcers. Usually it is the latter that finally leads us to aggressively treat our horses with expensive drugs such as Omeprazole, which are quick and effective ways to alleviate the immediate problem at hand, but do not cure the ongoing problem that got you here, and are quite expensive.
GastroPower™ is a cost effective, proprietary type of mineral rich calcified marine algae, which absorbs the excess acid in your horse’s stomach, and then as it breaks down, releases bio available calcium, magnesium, and other beneficial trace minerals to assist with your horse’s overall health. GastroPower™ is not a drug, nor does it interfere with the brain or acid production in the stomach. It is FEI and USEF safe.
The unique proprietary active ingredients in GastroPower™, coupled with its physical structure and large service area, enables it to break down slowly in the gut – conditioning the stomach and neutralizing the damaging stomach acid significantly over a prolonged period of time. GastroPower™ is also likely to be an effective buffer under in vitro foregut conditions and will affect fermentation in a manner that promotes fiber digestibility in the hind gut.